Coming from Aardman Entertainment the upcoming animated film Arthur Christmas; which asks the age old riddle, “what if Santa accidentally forgot to deliver to a child at Christmas?”; recently had its theatrical trailer released online, which is now available to view below.
In Arthur Christmas there isn’t just one Santa Claus but a whole family of them, with the current Santa (voiced by Bridget Jones’ Jim Broadbent) now being more of a figure head than anything else; as the real work is done by his eldest son Steve (Hugh Laurie, House), who turned the delivery into a hugely hi-tech operation; and his youngest son Arthur (James McAvoy, Wanted) is nothing more than a hopeless Christmas-fanatic, who’s obsessed with the ‘magic’ of the season; meaning that when one girl gets missed, he takes it on himself to enlist the help of cranky GrandSanta (Bill Nighy, Love Actually) and deliver her gift the old-fashioned way.
As with any good Christmas film, Arthur Christmas is due to be released just in time for the holidays, and open in UK cinemas on November 11th, before making its way to the US on November 23rd.
Matt Wheeldon.
Source: Yahoo.