Directed by Jim Sheridan (Get Rich or Die Tryin’), the upcoming horror movie Dream House follows a man and his wife as they move into what seems like their dream home, only to become haunted by the house’s former occupants, and face some rather startling, and unbelievable revelations.
Containing imagery reminiscent of The Shining, the film stars Daniel Craig (Casino Royale) and Rachel Weisz (The Mummy) as the happy couple, and looks to be a fairly generic ‘house-with-a-past’ tale until Craig’s character begins to investigate the murders that occurred in the house, and realizes he may have more of a connection to them than he first imagined.
Co-starring Naomi Watts (The Ring) and Elias Joteas (Shutter Island), Dream is scheduled to be released in the US on September 30th, but oddly hasn’t yet secured a UK release date; despite a clearly thrilling concept that appears (at least from the trailer below) to provide much more intrigue than your average commercial horror.