Directed by John Hillcoat (The Road), Lawless is adapted from Matt Bondurant’s novel, tells the tale of the three Bondurant brothers who ran alcohol during the golden age of crime, in the prohibition era, in the US, and has just had a new poster released online (which is now available to view below, along with a number of character posters for the film).
Shia LaBeouf (Transformers), Jason Clarke (Brotherhood), and Tom Hardy (The Dark Knight Rises) star as the three brothers who find themselves getting into the smuggling business a little too deeply, when they cross paths with a notorious gangster (played by The Dark Knight Rises‘ Gary Oldman), and find a special agent (played by Prometheus’ Guy Pearce) hot on their heels.
Scripted by Nick Cave (The Proposition), and co-starring Jessica Chastain (The Help), Mia Wasikowska (Alice in Wonderland) and Dane DeHaan (Chronicle), Lawless is due to be released on August 31st in both the US and UK.
Matt Wheeldon.
Sources: Empire (new poster), IMP Awards (character posters).