Following the sad news of the death of beloved comedy actor Robin Williams, known not only for his zany family-friendly characters such as Mork, Mrs. Doubtfire, and the scientist from Flubber, but also a number of prolific straight-laced roles including an Oscar winning performance in Good Will Hunting, and haunting showing in One Hour Photo, Secret Cinema will be hosting a one off screening of one of Williams’ best loved movies, Dead Poets Society, this Friday (August 15th, 2014).
With all profits going to the charity Mind (registered charity number 219830), an organisation dealing with mental health issues, Secret Cinema will be hosting the screening at the Troxy in London, with the event staring at 7:30pm, the film itself beginning at 8:30pm, and the evening running until 11:30pm.
With live music, food, poetry, special guests and more, the live cinema charity screening will be a wonderful way to honour the life of a man who touched so many people, and see one of Robin Williams’ best works in the process.
For more information visit the event website here.