Patriots Day Teaser Poster

Below you'll find the first official teaser poster for Patriots Day; the upcoming film from director Peter Berg, based on the Boston Marathon coming...

Release Date for Resident Evil 5

Find out the release date for the fifth film in the Resident Evil series; the video game based zombie movies starring Milla Jovovich as action heroine Alice.

Toy Story 3 Breaks Another Record

Learn what records Toy Story 3 has broken, how it compares to other animated films, why it was so well received, and when the DVD and Blu-ray will be released.

Charlie Sheen Wanted For Celebrity Big Brother UK

Media phenomenon Charlie Sheen is being targeted to appear in this year's celebrity Big Brother; proving that the show isn't dead, it's simply moved channels.

Dexter Season 7 Trailer

Watch the official trailer for Dexter season 7, plus learn when the show returns to TV, and what’s in-store for everyone’s favourite serial killer this time.

Kill List Discussed by Director and Stars

Learn what writer/director Ben Wheatley and stars Neil Maskell and MyAnna Buring have to say about their upcoming thriller Kill List; a British hitman movie.

The Woman in Black Teaser Trailer

Watch the teaser trailer for The Woman in Black, a remake of the classic horror movie, starring Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe.

Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters Trailer

First official trailer for Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters; starring Jeremy Renner and Gemma Arterton as the fairytale twosome who grow up to hunt witches.

Family Guy Creator Seth MacFarlane Rebooting The Flintstones

Learn about Seth MacFarlane's plans to reboot The Flintstones series, the new technology that will be introduced, when production begins, and when it airs.

Colin Hanks is Dexter’s New Enemy

Learn who's returning to Showtime drama Dexter, when the sixth season is due to air, and why the casting of Colin Hanks; as Dexter's new bad guy; is unexpected.

James Franco To Star in Rise of the Apes?

James Franco has just entered talks to star in Rise of the Apes; Fox's prequel to Planet of the Apes. Read our report for plot details, release date, and more.

Drive Director Dives at The Neon Demon

Learn who else is attached to Nicolas Winding Refn’s planned female-led horror movie, when filming could begin, and more.

Stars of The Raid Join Star War Episode VII

Learn which stars from The Raid have joined the new Stars Wars movie, who else is starring, the official release date and more.

Michael Haneke’s New Film Will Reunite Amour Co-Stars

Learn which Amour co-stars will be returning for Michael Haneke's new film Happy End.

How To Train Your Dragon 3 Delayed

Learn the new release date for the now delayed How To Train Your Dragon 3.

Wonder Woman First Footage and Logo

See the first official footage from the upcoming Wonder Woman movie, plus learn the official release date and more.

Latest Jupiter Ascending Trailer

Watch the latest trailer for the Wachowskis’ upcoming sci-fi Jupiter Ascending, learn plot details, who’s starring, official release dates and more.

Alien Prequel Morphs into Prometheus

Fox announced that the planned Alien prequel has been cancelled, and replaced with another Ridley Scott directed sci-fi film; Prometheus. Read on for details.

Roald Dahl’s BFG Gets Movie Treatment

Read about Dreamworks’ plans to release a live-action movie based on the classic Roald Dahl story; The BFG.

New Pictures from Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Check out the latest images from Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides; where Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard go in search of the Fountain of Youth.

The Taken Prequel Series Has Cast Its Lead Actor

With Vikings' Clive Standen cast as the lead in the Taken TV series we look at who's writing, producing, and directing.

Real Steel New Trailer

Watch the new theatrical trailer for Real Steel; a movie starring Hugh Jackman as an ex-boxer who now trains giant robots to fight.

New Puss in Boots Promo Explains How “He’s So Legendary…”

Watch the latest promotional video for the Shrek spin-off Puss in Boots; explaining that “he’s so legendary… when people pet him THEY purr.”

Gina Carano Headlines Female Expendables

After the announcement of a female version of The Expendables, Gina Carano has now been confirmed as the first official star of the action ensemble.

Interstellar Posters

See a collection of posters, and the official trailer for Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar. Plus learn who’s starring, release dates, and more.

Jason Segel is Making a Sex Tape

Learn details of Jason Segel’s upcoming comedy Sex Tape; including who his co-star may be, who’s directing, and more.

The Trust Trailer

Watch the official trailer for The Trust, the newly released film starring Nicolas Cage and Elijah Wood as two cops who decide to pull off a daring heist.

The Snowman trailer

Watch the official trailer for The Snowman; the upcoming thriller starring Michael Fassbender as an Oslo detective on the hunt for a notorious serial killer.

Suicide Squad Official Trailer

See the official trailer for Suicide Squad; the David Ayer directed DC villains movie; featuring Harley Quinn, The Joker, Deadshot and more.

Bridge Of Spies – New Poster

See the official trailer and poster for Bridge Of Spies; Steven Spielberg's upcoming Cold War thriller starring Tom Hanks. Plus learn release dates and more.

Sly Says No to Rambo V

Sylvester Stallone has spoken out about the fifth Rambo movie; saying that there won't be one. Read our report to find out why, and where Rambo will go from here.

Conviction: Trailer

Watch the trailer for Conviction; the true story of a woman who studied for a law degree, to mount a legal appeal for her wrongfully imprisoned brother.

Inbetweeners Movie Starts Shooting

With the start date looming, we look at the plot of The Inbetweeners movie, find out who'll be appearing, and share the film's official release date.

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy Trailer

Watch the teaser trailer for Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy; a Cold War based spy thriller about a man trying to find a KGB mole working at MI6.

Robert De Niro Becomes A Dirty Grandpa

Learn plot details, and who’ll be directing, the upcoming raunchy comedy Dirty Grandpa, which is due to star Robert De Niro.

New Writer For Robocop Remake

Learn who's been hired to script the upcoming Robocop remake, who's directing, and why the project has taken so long to fully develop.

The Avengers Gets Official Start Date

Read on to learn the official start date for Marvel Studios crossover picture; The Avengers; as well as who's starring, who's directing, and the release date.

Mickey Rourke Joins Java Heat

Learn the basic plot of the latest indie thriller to sign Mickey Rourke; Java Heat; who’s co-starring, who’s directing, and more.

Watch the First Trailer For Netflix’s W/ Bob & David

Official trailer and premiere date for W/ Bob & David; a new Netflix comedy from Bob Odenkirk and David Cross.

Saoirse Ronan and Michael Fassbender to Star as Vampires

Read about two new vampire movies that are soon to enter production, and learn who's starring, when filming begins, and more.

Hanna: Trailer

Watch the official trailer for Hanna; a film starring Saoirse Ronan as a 14-year-old girl who grew up in the wilderness, training to be the perfect assassin.

Fifty Shades Of Grey Is Most Sex-Filled Film In Years

Find out exactly how much sex there will be in the Fifty Shades Of Grey movie, who’s starring, and more. Plus see the latest trailer.

Mel Brooks Wants to Shoot Spaceballs Sequel In Early 2016

Learn the working title for Mel Brooks' planned Spaceballs sequel, and why it may have a very different cast to the original.

Leatherface 3D Finds a Director

Learn who will direct Leatherface 3D; a planned Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie that will reboot the franchise, and pick up where the original finished.

Lawless Images and Clip

See a collection of images, and a clip, from John Hillcoat’s Lawless; an upcoming gangster movie set during the prohibition era in the US.

Wreck-It Ralph Trailer

Watch the trailer for Wreck-It Ralph; an animated movie about a video game bad guy who fancies a change of scenery, and starts game-hopping.

Aliens Live Coming To The Royal Albert Hall

Learn details of The Royal Albert Hall's upcoming event - Aliens Live - including when tickets go on sale.

Bond 24’s Official Title and Poster Announcement

Learn the official title for the latest James Bond movie, see the logo, new car, official release dates and more.

Lena Headey Joins Vigilandia

Learn who'll co-star with Lena Headey in the upcoming sci-fi thriller Vigilandia, plus when HBO's Game of Thrones Season 2 will start airing on TV.

Idris Elba directing Yardie

Learn plot details for Idris Elba's first feature film as a director, plus what other acting projects he has in the pipeline.


Cars 2 Review